Well its been a bit hasn't it? Since we last wrote fun things have been happening and in the works. Played a rad show at Subterranean with Many Moons and Blush Response. Drank a lot of Skinny Girl Margarita .. Like, the whole bottle. It was a lot stronger than I realized. Anyhow other than that we are set to play another show the 31st at Grand Bar in the west loop area at the intersection of Grand and Ashland. Tons of DJs and us the only live band playing. That means we get to arrange the stage exactly the way we like to play. Hooray! So more new things... Very excited about SXSW. We are still booking some shows and everything is very up in the air right now. (We will post what and where those are exactly by February) We unfortunately are not an "official" artist but ..one day it'll happen... So we are getting on some show cases and some friends of ours are planning to put together very cool things. So, you'll see us there.
The holidays were EXHAUSTING. We can now FOCUS. By the near end of the month well be at Raxx Trax studio recording our new song GHOST. Pretty excited to make it real nice for you guys. Also we will be under some much needed new management so all the things Fonz and I couldn't do well be able to accomplish and more. We can't wait to make 2013 great and somewhere inside we just know it will be.
till text time babies-
Em and Fo
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